Tuesday, July 14, 2020

At the Pleasure of the King

We got news today.  The efficiency of Mayo is both wonderful and scary--our phone rang sooner than we expected.  The PET scan results this morning are already back.  There are other spots of cancer, not just in Scott's neck.  We don't know how many or where specifically.  We know our plans change a bit--but after only a 3 minute conversation with that gentle doctor, that's really all we know. They will biopsy his neck again-this time taking a bigger amount.  The biopsy will give the oncologist we will meet with here direction--immunotherapy? Chemotherapy?  We are waiting on the appointment time with oncology and will get the doctors plan of action at that time...

Here's the thing--the gentle confidence of the doctors yesterday, while calming, isn't what we stand on.  We stand on God alone.  That is still true about what will be said in coming days!  Stage?  Prognosis?  It doesn't really matter.  Scott has said it over and over: "We serve at the pleasure of the King".  And when our assignment is up, it's up.  UNTIL THEN, we will fight.  And take meds.  And keep living.  We walked over 12 miles yesterday!  Scott feels great!  We have danced and laughed today.   This isn't a death sentence.  Only the King that gives out the assignments tells us when the assignment is complete.

For now, we will see what course of action is suggested and best, knowing that God's plan will prevail.  Please hear my voice in this--We are okay!  We still have a lot of unknowns.  We fully expect them to sound scary tomorrow--and we're prepared for that.  But that's because we know the King. 


  1. Love this, Lauren. Kneeling with you in prayer. 💜

  2. You’ve got this! And you are exactly where you need to be! 🙏❤️🙏💜🙏❤️🙏

  3. We are preying for you Lauren.Dios continuara bendiciendoles.

  4. Wow! Thank you for your inspiring words. Praying.

  5. I love that phrase “serve at the pleasure of the King”. I’m praying for you all. It’s odd how comforting that phrase is to me. Thank you for sharing it. I learn from you guys continuously!

  6. Praying with you Lauren.
    Anita Baize

  7. Lauren you continue to walk in the strength of the King 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. May God richly bless you, envelope you in His grace & mercy, while blessing you for your faithfulness in your service to our Holy God! I pray for His presence to cover you as you lean into Him and absorb His strength. Let your souls sing!!

  10. On my knees in prayer friends and holding tight to His promises.

  11. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:3-5 Bob and I are praying!



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