Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Radiation and the wait

My silence must be making people nervous-as my phone has blown up the last 24 hours with requests to know what's going on!  Sorry 'bout that.

Scott is finishing up his 5 days of radiation on one spot this morning, as we speak! He really hasn't felt any side effects and was told yesterday, he is pretty much restriction free after today!  They didn't recommend riding a dirt bike, but that was about it! 

We have kind of settled into a rhythm of wait the last week or so.  Radiation was a good box to check.  We have an appointment in a couple weeks with the oncologist that will be the one that decides what type of drug therapy (chemo, immunotherapy, some cocktail combo) is best for this type of cancer and it's molecular breakdown.  Scott goes to work and I'm selling houses and we almost seem normal.  Whatever that means!

Waiting is probably not one of my spiritual gifts.  We fight each day to only look at today-not out to the next week or months.  Even this morning, I found myself thinking 'I feel so powerless' and quickly I felt God whisper "You are.  Apart from me, you have no power."  But then He quickly reminded me that the same power that conquered the grave lives in me!  In me! And like a great friend texted us recently, cancer may be in Scott's body, but the resurrection power of Jesus runs through his veins!  We continue to pray boldly that God is working in the wait.  That He is containing this cancer and working miracles already! Cruz, our 6 year old, prays that God is wiping it out like a tsunami through Scott's body.  It's a good visual and sweetest prayer.  

We continue to walk every night, recounting God's deeds as we go.  Sometimes through gritted teeth on a rough work day, but we can always find ways that God is present and loving us.  It's a practice we don't want to ever stop. And we hang on and depend on Scripture like we never have before.   I have never really understood "daily bread" like I do now.  Maybe because I've never been physically hungry, maybe because I've never been truly dependent for any length of time.  All of a sudden, God's Word each day is truly food.  It keeps my fear and doubt out of the driver's seat and points my face toward the only One who holds all things together.  Sometimes I can almost feel Him lift my chin toward Him.  We ask that you continue to pray boldly and wait and fight along side us.  


  1. Powerful and true. It is hard to explain how powerful God is, until you see and feel how weak you are. Been there... Done that! Keep you eyes on the author and perfecter of your faith, Jesus the Christ! May God continue to richly bless you all!

  2. Powerful and true. It is hard to explain how powerful God is, until you see and feel how weak you are. Been there... Done that! Keep you eyes on the author and perfecter of your faith, Jesus the Christ! May God continue to richly bless you all!



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